"The list of researchers who
would qualify today is brief, but if we could extend
our recruiting into the past
it would include the likes of Darwin, Livingston,
Feynman, Cousteau, Perkins,
and, of course, Boroditsky. It is a rare scientist
indeed who is fit for our forum."
"In June we featured Dr. Douglas
J Long who is indeed cut from that cloth,
made, it would seem, also from
that long-ago broken mold. Doug has traveled
in over 35 countries and studied
great white sharks, rattlesnakes, flesh-eating snails,
and deep-sea fishes. He is also
an expert in all manner of embryologic processes.
He is not your run-of-the mill
biologist, as you can tell by the company he keeps."
"Currently working for the California
Academy of Sciences, Doug serves as
acting chairman of the Department
of Ornithology & Mammalogy and
also the Collections Manager
for the department. Which means that he
spends his time traveling the
globe charting and collecting the animals
of the world. He has discovered
over a dozen previously unknown species of
animals and amassed thousands
of slides and some incredible stories
in his travels."
"Doug's travels have included
expeditions to the Golden Triangle
(Burma, Laos & Thailand),
New Zealand, Patagonia (Chile & Argentina), and the
Gulf of Guinea (western Africa).
His adventures included side-stepping cobras, a
voiding landmines, rum-loving
elephants, CIA operatives, rebel insurgencies,
malaria epidemics, and drinking
alcohol in the most unexpected places.
He also gave details of the
fauna and culture of the countries and some of the
challenges that wildlife conservation
faces in each of them."
"It was an incredible night.
The audience left thoroughly entertained and more
knowledgeable for the experience.
We actually had to cut the post-show Q&A
short, eventually, as it was
getting late. Doug just has too many great stories
to cover in one sitting. And
that doesn't even count his hobbies."
The Good Dr. says:
"Here I am inspecting a live
Galapagos Sea Lion on the Galapagos
Islands that has been bitten by
a silver-tipped shark on its rump. This is a
very rough climate I have
to deal with in conducting my research.
Yea Doc, It looks rough hehehehee
I collect shark jaws for three
areas of research: 1) Shark predation on marine
mammals, and analysis of the size
and spacing of the teeth, and serrations are
valuable for identifying which
species prey on marine mammals; 2) taxonomic
studies on the evolution of sharks
can often rely on tooth and dental system
morphologies to show relationships
between different groups of sharks;
and 3) Paleontology and evolution
of sharks is largely based on the
identification of fossil teeth,
and knowledge of present-day shark tooth
morphology & feeding adaptations
can tell a lot about how sharks have
evolved and changed over time."
And an inspiration
to us all .